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XNSPY – Remote Phone Monitoring App with a Fairly Good Functionality

Updated March 11, 2020 to reflect the latest changes in the software and services mentioned.

xnspy-1XNSPY phone monitoring application can deal with multiple tasks with no actual spying process. Actually, you don’t even need to install it on someone else’s phone. People often use XNSPY to track their own devices. Why do they need that? Let’s figure this out in the independent review. Before purchasing the actual product, we still recommend you to get acquinted with the following XNSPY review as well various customer reviews of XNSPY on Sitejabber, Trustpilot or PCMag.

Why use XNSPY

3762-xnspyThere are a bunch of reasons to use XNSPY as your monitoring application. As we said before, you can install it on your own smartphone or tablet to track everything your kids are doing while playing with your devices. Sounds interesting, right? Read further to know what XNSPY is all about.

  • Kids monitoring

It is one of those reasons why people use XNSPY a lot these days. Parents find monitoring programs very useful, and they are right. When you are a parent, you want your kids to be safe while they are online and out with friends or at school. Digital world hides lots of dangers such as inappropriate content or online bullies. Adult videos, violent photos, dangerous websites, all these points can be easily blocked and avoided with the help of XNSPY.

  • Employees control

If you are a boss or manager of a company that provides its employees with corporate gadgets, you probably want them to be used properly. With the help of XNSPY, you will easily get all the information about your employee’s working routine. It is also easy to know where a person with your corporate tablet is when he or she is late to work. He says there is a traffic jam? Well, check his words out.

  • Cheating spouse

Well, this reason is also very popular among XNSPY users. Cheating was never so easy to be detected. With the help of this top-class monitoring tool, a cheater can be easily identified. Read text messages, check incoming and outgoing calls, screen the browser history, and take screenshots. All these features are perfect tools to fight with cheating or to blow all your jealousy away and make your marriage even stronger.

  • Phone location

Every one of us is not perfect. At least once in life, we lost our phones somewhere in a bar or something for sure. Do not panic and take your time to check your device’s GPS location. Few seconds and you know the exact location of your smartphone. Is it stolen or just lost? XNSPY have an answer already.

XNSPY advantages:

clip_image002So, now you know how you can use XNSPY for your own purpose. It is time to know why you should choose XNSPY as your monitoring application. There are few main reasons:

  • Top-class quality
  • Reliability
  • Remote control
  • Easy to use
  • User-friendly interface
  • Reasonable price
  • Compatibility with iOS, Android operating systems
  • Wide range of useful features
  • Total invisibility
  • Data protection

Well, it is a short list of all advantages XNSPY can provide you with. You will find out even more if you read some testimonials from the official website. People share their experience. They are grateful and have some positive words to say about the monitoring tool.

XNSPY features:

xnspy-opciones-1024x499As we said before, XNSPY has lots of useful options to offer. We are talking not just about simple keystrokes tracking. Modern monitoring solutions are something more than just keyloggers and XNSPY is not an exception.

  • Monitor Phone Calls and Contacts

This feature is a must for all monitoring apps since day one. XNSPY offers high-quality solution for those users who want to monitor calls and contacts. You are able to view all the contacts and calls history with detailed info such as number, date, duration, etc.

  • Read SMS and Instant Messenger Chats

If you want to know exactly what your family or employees are up to, XNSPY would be the perfect solution. There are no borders for this monitoring application. Any text message written or received by the owner of the target phone is available for your view. Even deleted messages are available and can’t be hidden from your sight.

  • Track GPS Location

This feature has blown the entire spy apps industry. With the help of XNSPY and its built-in GPS tracker, you can easily and fast know where the target phone is. This option is one of the most often demanded by users because of various reasons. Some want to find their own smartphone; others try to control their family members, kids especially. Just imagine your child is out somewhere, and he is late home. Where is he? Was he kidnapped, or he just stacked in a traffic jam? Calm yourself in just a few taps via XNSPY, check out target phone GPS location, and find out exactly where your kid is.

  • Read Emails and Monitor Online Activities

The feature is also very helpful if you try to know someone’s life better. You can detect and track any activity on the target phone by that monitoring program. Check out what websites the owner prefers, what emails he or she received recently, and who is this person in general.

  • Other features:

    • Multimedia files & appointments
    • Record phone calls & surroundings
    • 24/7 Instant alerts
    • Remotely control a cell phone
    • XNSPY analytics
    • Wi-fi network logs
    • Keylogger
    • Whatsapp without root


Nowadays people are into the internet and online life heavily. That is why such monitoring solutions as XNSPY found their users easily. You have a reason or even few to use this monitoring application for sure. All of us can use. This monitoring program is safe for both sides of the process. XNSPY monitoring application developers guarantee total data safety and confidentiality. This point is very valuable these days for sure. No third parties will be involved in the process. To learn more about the program, its features, to watch live demos, to connect support department just visit the official website.


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