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Best Android Keyloggers to Log any Keystroke on Android

Android KeyloggerWant to find out all secrets hidden in phone calls, SMS messages, emails, and gallery? It’s not a problem at all! You can do it with just two clicks using Android keylogger. It is an excellent way to hack someone’s messages, WhatsApp or Facebook accounts, app passwords, etc.

Types of Keyloggers

Keylogger records every activity of the owner on the target device, for example, every word or letter typed on keyboard. So it’s clear that with its help, you can record someone’s password without any problems. It has two types:

  • Hardware keylogger;
  • Software (applications).


It is a special external device which should be connected to the computer to record the data. It can’t be used to track Android phones and tablets.


It is a special type of software the aim of which is to record keystrokes. In other words, it can be called the malware. With the help of this type of the apps, you can spy on cell devices as well as on computers.

What is an Android Keylogger?

Android KeyloggerAndroid Keylogger is used to be a popular request on the web since it is a great way to spy on your boyfriend’s, girlfriend’s, child’s, wife’s, or husband’s tablet or cell phone.

For those of you who are wondering what an Android spyware is, we have the simple answer. It’s a piece of cell phone software or hardware that is able to capture every single keystroke and after that, it saves them for retrieval by you at any time. These types of software have been used by detectives and hackers to capture someone’s logins on Android, social security numbers, passwords, etc. Now you can easily use such software to capture the keystrokes of your cheating girlfriend.

Main Features

Find the main features which Android keyloggers provide below:

  • Applications and keystrokes logging. A well-designed spyware records all the apps running on the target device and the text typed in those apps. This feature combined with the visual recording gives you the complete control over someone’s phone;
  • Web logging. The app records all activities performed on the web using the target device including visited websites, links, chats, emails;
  • Chat tracking. The application records both sides of all chats and conversations on social messengers like WhatsApp, Yahoo Messenger, Viber, FB Messengers, etc.;
  • Screenshot logging. This amazing feature completes all existing textual and chat logging features and brings you the visual picture of the target device. You may adjust settings and change the frequency of taking screenshots. Some apps provide a great opportunity: if there is a need, you are able to configure the app to take a screenshot on every mouse click. The shots are taken and saved in JPG format that saves the memory;
  • Microphone monitoring. Almost every well-designed keylogger may be used as an effective audio surveillance tool. It tracks and records all sounds using the phone microphone;
  • Camera logging. The app records images that are taken with the help of phone camera and saves in the phone memory.

There are other features that the spy apps are able to provide.

Select The Best Android Keylogging App

Android KeyloggerNow, after we have outlined the main options of the Android keylogger, it is time to contemplate on the most prudent decision for you to reach. For sure, there is not a single decision which offers the top outcome to every user. It is explained by the fact that it’s all a matter of personalized needs and personal preferences. For example, an employer or company owner looking for a tool to safeguard the important and the sensitive data of his business, with the help of the proper spying on his employees’ cell devices does not have the same demands and needs as a parent seeking for protection against numerous online dangers for his children.

If you want to choose the best Android spy app for you, think about what you wish to accomplish with the help of such an application and take into consideration the budget of yours. Pay attention to the legitimacy of the application and features which the app provides. Remember that buying something that is known as the most expensive tool of the bunch does not really guarantee your satisfaction and can’t help you to remove all the threats you are thinking about. Although the quality of the app often comes at an elevated price range, keep in your mind that there are the exceptions to this rule. Read professional reviews of the apps here.

Advantages Of Android Keyloggers

  • They are easy to use. You will hardly have any problems with spy applications. They provide user-friendly interface and they are easy to install;
  • They are quite affordable or even free. There are many applications that are provided for free and may be used by any user immediately after the downloading and installation;
  • Most of them are non-detectable. It means that you will be aware of all secrets of the owner of the target device, and he or she will never know about that;
  • You are able to use them for tracking your employees when they are working or using the company owned devices. You can also spy on your minor kids without breaking any laws.

Some Additional Tips

  • If you want to track your employees, don’t forget about the right to privacy. You can read about it here;
  • If you want to use spyware for parental control and you have more than one kid, find the application which provides services of tracking several devices at the same time in the frames of one subscription. It can save your money;
  • For best use of spy apps and to be sure that the owner of the app will not detect you use a launcher to hide the app. In Play store, you can find many free lunches. They give you an ability to hide an app safely.

As you can see the Android keylogger is an easy and affordable way to hack someone’s phone and find out all secrets about its owner. It provides many features and has many advantages. It is easy to use, and you can use it completely legally. If you still have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments to the article.


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