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Why Is Easy Spy App Popular? Complete Review of Features and Benefits

easy spy reviewThe modern digital market frequently offers something new, and one of such novelties is a modern spy app. It is a specific application for a phone monitoring. These days, you will hardly find a person who hasn’t yet heard about this software because such spy phone apps became an integral part of our life. In our review, we are going to analyze Easy Spy, an excellent spy app for monitoring on phones of kids, employees or other individuals whose phones need to be checked.

Why Is Easy Spy Powerful Software?

Easy Spy is an advanced phone monitoring software product. It hit the digital market not so long ago but still managed to remain one of the most reliable spy apps. Easy Spy cannot boast with an extensive range of options but the easy to use soft has a set of the most required (for such purpose) features. Not in vain, the developers named it Easy Spy. The soft really deprives users of all issues regarding monitoring the phone activities of others. Having bought the subscription, you obtain a reputable application which will definitely satisfy your spying needs.

Core Audience

Regardless the fact that technically all similar applications that monitor mobile devices do the same, each company which provides phone trackers focuses on different needs. Some of them fit business owners, but the other part of them is ideal for parents. The primary audience for the particular software product is parents and small business owners.

  • How can Easy Spy help parents?

You will hardly find a parent who has never caught his kids in texting via different instant messengers installed on their phones. At first glaze, it is a harmless amusement, but they frequently do it during classes or instead of doing the home assignment. Besides, each parent must prevent his children from age-inappropriate websites. Easy Spy is an excellent tool for doing that.

  • How can Easy Spy help employers?

Employers or business owners are one of the major types of customers of such apps for keeping tabs on phones of their colleagues or employees. The app has all basic features. But if you need more advanced options, you may choose another program, like Highster or XNSPY, for instance.

Overview of the Main Features

easy spy reviewEach user who thinks about the possibility to purchase this phone app must find out what for he pays cash. Easy Spy has the following features:

  • GPS tracking. With the help of such mobile phone app, you can easily determine any location of the target person. The information will help you to find out whether your kids or business partners tell you the truth.
  • Monitoring of the web activity. Nowadays, modern cell phones can easily be regarded as small computers because we use them not only for making calls or chatting. The software products for keeping tabs on mobile devices will help you to check which web pages the target individual views or bookmarks. Moreover, you may check activities on Twitter, Facebook, Viber, Skype, etc.
  • Monitor text messages. The option allows you to check each text message (sent or received). Furthermore, you can view even deleted messages. You will have access to viewing the full content of each message, including the phone number and the date and time of the chat.
  • Live control panel. Here you will view all reports regarding the phone monitoring procedure. You will have access to it from any mobile device with the Internet connection. Besides, here you can set the spy program according to your requirements.
  • Remote camera. Not each spyware can boast with this option. You can turn on the phone camera remotely, and Easy Spy will send you an image of the phone’s surroundings.
  • Call log. The call information will easily spread before your eyes. Moreover, the phone app allows you to save the logs in various formats.
  • Photo and video log. The feature enables you to keep a close check on what type of photo or video content the target individual makes, sends or receives.
  • Email log. You will be aware of all sent and received emails. It is a good option to prevent the information leakage.

The list of features can comply with the most popular wishes of users.

How Does It Work?

easy spy reviewWhen you have already purchased the subscription, it is a high time to find out how it operates. The Easy Spy is very simple to install software. You can download the phone app via the over-the-air method or through the physical access to the mobile device. In most cases, it is a challenge to find the access to the mobile device of another person. For that reason, the OTA method is absolutely an advantage. The procedure of installation on the other phone is very simple, and even not technically-gifted customers will easily follow the simple instructions sent from the support team.

When you set up the Easy Spy application, you should log in to your account from any other mobile device and view the tracking data.

Pricing Policy

To choose the billing plan, you are not obliged to rack your brains over this simple issue. The Easy Spy phone monitoring program is compatible with iOS and Android. It means that you can install it on iPad, iPhone or any other phone powered by Android.

There is one price for all devices – $69.99 one time fee. It makes no matter what type of phone you want to track; the price is the same. Nevertheless, checking against other spy apps like mSpy or Auto Forward, the price is rather high. Therefore, if you are searching for a cheap spy app, this one is not for you.


Easy Spy is a reputable spy program for keeping tabs on popular types of phones. With this phone spy app, you will obtain an excellent tool that will help you to take the wraps off the private life of your children or other people. It is empowered with a broad range of spying options, making parental control simple and efficient. Such phone spy program is a stellar choice for every user, who is seeking for simple and reputable spyware product that can run stealthily.


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