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WebWatcher Tracking App. Security and Confidence for Business and Family

Updated March 7, 2020 to reflect the latest changes in the software and services mentioned.

WebWatcher Monitoring software gets popular presently to ensure a user safety and reliability of personal and business connections. WebWatcher offers you these advantages with an instant installation of the new app. It allows you to track any doubtful online activity of the partners or staff members and control your kids’ using the Internet remotely. The features of this advanced software make possible to monitor the operation of web-based programs on:

  • Computers with Windows and MAC
  • Android as well as iOS devices

The installed WebWatcher package is undetectable and operates in a stealth way.

WebWatcher’s Parental Control: Secure Gaming for Children

WebWatcher Using this program, parents can track the internet activities of a child to prevent trouble in the case when the web resources are not proper for him. If your computer is used for tracking, you need to create an individual account to stop the operation of the software when you work. Also, you can easily get the notifications of your child’s computer usage on your own device. It requires from you a one-time physical access to the PC under observation. Only a few minutes are required for you to install the WebWatcher tracker on the computer or iPhone with a compatible operating system. You can delete the program immediately in the same way.

The list of areas you can keep an eye on in real time, following the compatibility with the version of operating systems, is following:

  1. Keystrokes
  2. SMS and call logging
  3. History of chat conversations
  4. Social networking and instant messengers’ activity (Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Snapchat, Viber, Tinder, )
  5. GPS locations
  6. Searches and visits to websites

Besides, WebWatcher makes you be able to view sent photos, videos or text content. The editor capacity of the system will help to do it. It takes a little time to block them or permit the receipt of this information by the supervised computer. Due to WebWatcher’s assistance, you read, watch, and review everything your kids download from any website. Determine the categories of alert words and start filtering the messages from various users, which your children contact. The awareness of the data your kid uses will support you in deciding how to cooperate simply. Moreover, if you think that it is better to delete such apps from children’s PC, just enter the password and do it.

Business Security: Any Word Is Recorded

WebWatcher Regarding partners and staff reliability, the monitoring software from WebWatcher operates in different spheres. If you work with reliable people, they do not worry about the agreement on supervision. The application does not hinder them from performing their duties. You may include the login credentials of an employee in a unique database on your computer. Then WebWatcher will inform you about such aspects as:

  • Call logs
  • Lists of messages (including deleted ones)
  • Chat conversations history
  • Email activity
  • Social networking communication
  • Visited and searched websites

The capacities of the software provide the opportunity for complete control over any virtual activity of the employees. WebWatcher reporting information is available to you from the screenshots or emails, including specific alert words, you have selected before. A notification will inform you about an obligation misuse on the part of an employee. You may consider such an action as the failure of duties and require terminating the agreement with a dishonest contractor without any additional proof.

Also, the software reports represent all volumes of necessary information starting with typed keystrokes up to the text of emails and chat conversations. Start blocking such deeds of your subordinates whenever you like. The interface of the program, which you download on your PC or gadget, will allow you to obtain the views of all devices you want to monitor by WebWatcher. Then, you compile the list of the resources the personnel has no permission to visit. They get the notice about blocked access while doing it. There is no risk to harm the software of the company in the result of the unacceptable site operations. An online portal processes and sends the records of different types of data to your system dashboard displayed on WebWatcher app’s home page.

Software Pros, Terms of Disclaimer and Applied Laws

WebWatcher WebWatcher tracking possesses the advantages, which you can evaluate below:

  1. Quick installation/download on your devices (secure account with the password)
  2. Multiple types of content as well as activities subject to the control and filtration
  3. Operation and deletion are stealthy
  4. You need neither root nor download the application on mobile gadgets (Android and iOS)
  5. You get the information on monitored devices, time and location indices in the real-time representation

The simplicity of usage and the complex character of performing tasks are proper to the same extent for mobile devices and computers in different circumstances of function. You have to request responsible authorities for the authorization. It is necessary for making WebWatcher monitoring in conformity with state and federal legal provisions. So, please consider the fact that you should inform everybody using the monitored equipment about the system to comply with the requirements of current legislation.

By default, the company has the right to disclaim any liability if the purchased software runs in the violation of actual laws and regulations. The analogical situation takes place when the buyers apply WebWatcher without following the requirements of compatibility with operating systems or do not provide regular updates. The company acts and provides information for the state administration bodies. WebWatcher officers and staff collaborate with the representatives of public authorities if any legal issue occurs.


So, WebWatcher monitoring application provides an opportunity to protect you and your dearest people from any harm related to the modern technologies usage within the family circle or business surroundings. If you’ve already used this app, describe your experience in the comments below the article. Also, you can find more reviews about various monitoring programs on any budget on our reviews page. We hope, this article was useful for you, and you will find the most convenient and functional software.


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