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Does Verizon have phone number lookup by name?

How can we run Verizon phone number lookup ?

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If you want to find the phone of the person and you know his or her name, you can use Verizon White Pages phone lookup detector. Verizon phone number lookup service is easy and reliable. If you need a reverse Verizon phone number directory, we have to disappoint you it is no longer available on the official site. But there are many other phone number search services which also are free of charge. The process of finding a Verizon phone number is exactly the same as looking for any other phone number. It is explained by the fact that tracing some phone numbers doesn’t really depend on the provider and the type of device.

Verizon phone number lookup service has appeared a few years ago. Its biggest contribution is Verizon WhitePages, which includes a full list of Verizon users’ phone numbers. Discover other phone numbers via a hard copy sent to you from the company. It is free of charge. States available online are:

  • Maryland
  • California
  • Florida
  • Deleware
  • Rhode Island
  • Massachusetts
  • New Jersey
  • New York
  • District of Columbia
  • Texas
  • Pennsylvania
  • Virginia

It does not mean one cannot view 50 states. So, you can order entire White Pages Info Book in print by calling 1-800-2GET-DEX (1-800-243-8339).

Company’s Background

Verizon Phone Number Lookup So, Verizon is the US fast-developing telecommunication company with the focus on broadband. Head office/heart is located in Down Jones Industrial Average. It does not provide Verizon cell phone number lookup directly. Also, it is not obligatory for shared information’s precision, thoroughness, and relevance. Verizon is the only party to change or upgrade any data in the system.

Do you find it difficult to pick the best reverses device in the industry? Many reasons exist to start researching the US citizens’ phone numbers: both from personal interest to emergency situations. Try Verizon to solve the problem with detecting target user. Verizon is a breathtaking software from American top developers!

Why American Population Demands Quality Free Lookups like Verizon

Some people hesitate if they need Verizon wireless phone number lookup. It would be useful to check the individual’s identity. Do it once you receive a weird phone call from anonymous number to prevent financial frauds and scams. Victims of online financial crime can report of fraud with the help of effective lookups.

Also, caring parents worry about their children using mobile phones in many activities, preferring to use spy apps like mSpy to track your children. Such software not only allows to track phones remotely but also gives the opportunity to block adult content.

Many online threats are expecting them, and Verizon detects unidentified phone numbers. Use Verizon to prevent both cyber bullying or hate crimes, school problems and violence, etc. Is your child receiving strange, warning messages? Then, you can apply one of the Verizon reverse lookup services to disclose culprit’s identity and his/her intentions.

Searching manually is a time-consuming, frustrating procedure, so do not waste your time on it!

How to use reverse phone number lookup on Verizon?

You can use many of such services to run a reverse search and find out the personal details of the owners of landlines, residential and business numbers as well as listed phones. You can discover blocked cell phone numbers & VoIP. The process is more difficult.

The way to run a Verizon phone number lookup usually depends on the type of the number. If you want to know the details of a landline caller’s number, you can use free public directories which are available online. Want to know the owner of the cell phone? Use special Verizon free service of reverse phone number lookup.


Sometimes we have specific problems with unknown phone call numbers: we don’t know which number called us. We could be upset that we had missed an important call. For example, if we were looking for a job, we are waiting for phone call from the potential employer, or we may be waiting for an important delivery being afraid to miss a phone call from the shipping company’s number.

Sometimes cases with unknown numbers are worse: someone annoying with unsafe intentions can call us, and we are especially concerned when it comes to our children. Parents who are worried about their children want to track their GPS location and activities. But how to protect them from phone threats? Use Verizon cell spy app. (Also, you can check here about mSpy spying app.)

 Verizon Wireless Phone Number Lookup: How It Works

Verizon Phone Number Lookup Verizon cell phone number lookup service is available to find any phone number online with the help of different related services. WhitePages.Com + FreePhoneTracer.Com are two most popular Internet-based options. They are used to determine necessary cell phone numbers. Free options do not guarantee hidden numbers like military bases, so it is recommended to try paying a fair price to get full access. Verizon official website is the best as well as the most reliable way to do it.

The process of searching cell phone numbers on Verizon company’s official website looks this way:

  1. Apply your preferred Internet browser (from Chrome to Opera). Move to reverse phone number lookup Verizon page.
  2. Enter the mobile phone number you wish to identify in the system in ‘Reverse Number Lookup’ line.
  3. Push on the small image of the arrow à Required data with geographical information will pop up in a new window à Find an extra website to receive more details.

How to Obtain in-Depth Search Results?

  1. Freerevcell.com is the top option to get in-depth results fast – move to it with the help of preferred Internet browser.
  2. Then, enter Verizon cell/mobile phone number you wish to detect in the line called ‘US Cell Phone Number Carrier Info à Area Code & Phone Number.’
  3. And finally, apply ‘Search Carrier’ function to open a new page containing important data on given phone number (g., cell phone carrier and user’s profile data).

In case you are looking an unlisted system number, turn to the free of charge service (e.g., Intelius.Com).

Primary Features of Verizon Revere Phone Lookup

Verizon Phone Number Lookup To understand the way reverse phone number lookup Verizon works, it is important to observe its main features.

  • Ten-digit dialing. The function makes it possible to dial number one and place region’s code – make requested information simpler!
  • Phone address book synchronization of online Fiber Optic Service (FIOS) address: Primary goal is to guarantee FIOS synchronization with various lookup applications.
  • Admin feature. Discover online account manager useful for activating/deactivating different functions as well as creating voice mail profiles to serve divided phone lines in target house.
  • Unknown call denial. Those who decide to block personal numbers will be denied.
  • Buck-up battery. Assists in establishing battery back-up of more than eight hours to obtain 12 volts.
  • Backup number. Ability to forward call automatically to user’s number you pick if a chance of failing exists.
  • Calendar synchronization. Opportunity to synchronize calendar to target mobile phone without obstacles. Also, time management tools contain given feature (g., PalmR, outlookR amng).
  • Caller ID. View numbers and names of incoming phone call numbers using FIOS digital voice.

Users do not regret using Verizon lookup thanks to its numerous benefits!

Does Verizon Cell Phone Numbers Directory Exist?

Verizon Phone Number Lookup Many users wonder if Verizon cell phone directory exist because cell phones removed landlines. The bad news is Verizon cell phone directory does not exist. Other carriers do not possess directories. Privacy concerns are the source of this problem meaning many mobile users have no desire to inform everybody about their numbers in public access. Carrier companies do not deny such wish.

So, Verizon does not make entire data available online as such sort of information belong to the private category. Terms & conditions of carrier companies explain this position. CNN stated several most influential cell phone organizations were ready to unite in order to establish “Wireless Directory Assistance, LLC” in 2004. It should have become the national database of the US numbers. Every operator/user had a choice: to join database or not.

It is time to accept the idea modern American population has no free pphone bookto discover necessary citizens’ numbers regarding most troublesome issues. No accurate information is available free of charge. What you need is patience or a particular amount of money you are willing to spend to receive important information. If you don’t have a desire to pay, try these helpful tips:

  1. Search opt-in directories (g., the National Cellular Directory opt-in service
  2. Explore basic search engines like Yahoo & Google
  3. Try Happy Hour people free search

Also, there are two paid services – Intelius and Spokeo which are responsible for providing detailed information on any user.

So, enjoy many approaches to getting numbers of target US citizens – start thinking out-of-the-box! Experts recommend the National Cellular Directory’s free Happy Hour. Such alternative is secure, fast, credible, time-tested and discreet.


  • Angela Neatherlin Jimenez says:

    Is there any way to retreive old text messages when they were deleted from cloud and phone?

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