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Spy on Facebook through Mobile Apps

facebook-spy-appModern technologies have greatly changed our life. With the help of computers and other electronic devices, people get quick access to their e-mails, bank accounts and other kinds of information. It is crystal clear that life has been influenced by technologies. Children do not have to spend hours in the library preparing school projects – things they are looking for can be found online in several minutes.

People make new friends on Facebook and keep in touch with existing friends on the Internet through online chats. It seems that technologies have made our life much easier and in some way, this is the truth.

Do not miss this article : How to hack someone’s Facebook account? 

However, modern technologies have pitfalls, and most of us are not aware of them. One of such pitfalls is social media, which is so popular today and still could be very dangerous.

Websites like Facebook are immensely popular today among not only young people, but also the older generation. Let’s be honest – you have no confidence in people that your kid is chatting with on Facebook and what is on their mind. If you are a business owner, there are no guarantees that your employees do not spend hours on Facebook instead of working. This is where the question arises: is it possible to control what other people are doing online?

The following article highlights reasons to use Facebook monitoring software that tracks phone and laptop activity on social media.

How to spy on Facebook via tracking apps

tips-using-facebookOne of the reasons why people use spying software is the desire to get access to information. It could be couples, who have issues with cheating or parents, who want to protect their kids from suspicious people on Facebook or inappropriate information.

Tracking programs is a useful tool also for people, who want to keep an eye on their employees. Spying soft usually is installed on computers and phones. Considering that most of them use mobile devices instead of laptops, tracking phone activity has become a reasonable background.

How does spying program for phones work?

textmessagesTracking or spying software tracks down processes of each user of one computer or a mobile phone. Most apps work in hidden mode and those, being monitored, have no idea about it. It is best to use the software in a hidden mode not to let anyone know about surveillance. However, if you want to install a tracking program on a corporate phone or working laptop, you can let your employees know that they will be monitored.

There is plenty of information about spying programs on the Internet, but there are programs, which are strongly recommended by users as they have a number of great features. Some of them are simpler in using and provide more information on particular Facebook actions.  All spying programs are divided into computer and phone programs. Soft for computers usually have the following features:

    • Making screenshots

      The software makes screenshots of a computer. It allows you to see what the user has been up to. Whether he/she has been chatting on Facebook or looking for something online.

    • Keylogger

      Keylogger is one of the most convenient features of good spying software. This function gives you full access to the info of keystrokes even if the user has deleted them. You will know what the user has been searching in Google or typing e-mails or conversations on Facebook.

    • Computer activity

      Most monitoring soft has a feature that lets you know how users spend time at the computer.

  • Usage of other programs.

Sometimes you wonder what your husband might have installed or deleted from the computer. Some apps have a function that saves information on programs that have been installed, used and deleted on a specific computer. It helps protect the computer from viruses which are sometimes downloaded and installed accidentally. Data is stored and accessed at any time at the control panel. You will see a full list of all applications.

  • Check messages and messengers.

Apart from checking Facebook activity, you get a possibility to find out more about other messages and e-mails. Web mailer gathers info from web services and messengers. The information contains insight on all sent/received e-mails. You will be able to group data by heading, content, attached files or address.

How to Choose the Best Facebook Spy App

spy-apps-for-parental-controlThe situation is a bit different with phone spying software as not all applications are compatible with phones. One of the most recommended phone apps is mSpy software. It has plenty of outstanding features and presents a deep insight into Facebook activity and other operations performed on the phone. You will find detailed information about the program online.  mSpy is a user-friendly tracker with outstanding features.

  • Controlling calls

    With the help of the app, you get control over all incoming and outgoing calls from the target cell. This feature is incredibly useful if you want to keep an eye on your child, who make friends on Facebook. Just imagine that you can see all numbers, duration, and timestamp.

  • Text messages control

    Just like you can control messages and e-mail sent/received on a laptop, you can check messages on the phone where the software has been installed. Apart from Facebook messages and other social media, you will be able to read text messages and see the content of multimedia messages.

  • Internet usage

    Considering that mobile devices are used not only to check the news on Facebook but also to surf the Net. It might be a good idea to control search history too. mSpy provides detailed information on all visited websites visited with a mobile phone. Check for details of this function here.

  • Facebook and instant messages control.

    The following function gives access to messages on Facebook, Skype and other popular messengers that you can install on the phone. This feature will be useful for couples, parents, and employers.

  • Multimedia files.

    Last but not the least important function is controlling multimedia content in the target phone – photos and videos. You can watch all saved and made videos – excellent opportunity to see where your kid has been to.

Spying applications for social media like Facebook, Viber or Whatsapp, has multiple benefits as their features help to protect your kids, save your marriage and improve business performance.


  • Martina says:

    Yes, kids with the strictest parents learn to become the best liars. Why would you want to limit your kids resources like that? Its like people who never let their kids have sugar. Suddenly those kids are grown up and flipping you of while they stuff a whole sleeve of cookies on their mouth. Except with the internet.
    Uhhhh my kid’s entire academic life is online. Not even close to realistic. I think there is a site faceves that should be added to the list, they helped mi once with my boy and facebook.

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