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Find Hidden Apps on Android Phone

Find Hidden Apps

The problem of hidden apps can be solved easily these days. If you want to learn how to find hidden apps on Android, you’ve come to the right place. You just need to get to the Details of an app and hit the Enable button. To open files and apps through file explorer, you need to go to file manager and enter Settings. Tap the Applications chapter. Next open the menu bar and press task icon. There will be the feature called “Show hidden apps”. It is your goal.

How It Is Possible to Find Those Hidden Apps on a Phone

Find Hidden Apps
All people love secrets and have them enough. But with the modern technological revolution, the number of those secrets increased. All of us have our web browser histories that are completely private. And some of us have even apps on our phones that are invisible to others. And how to find hidden apps on other people’s phones we are going to talk about today.

People hide their mobile phone apps from others if they do any nasty things as chatting with people they don’t want someone else to know about. Also, they share content and even cheat on their wives and husbands.

And if you are one of those people who suspect their spouse on cheating, you should get to the end point in this situation. How is it possible? Well, you need to find those stealth mode apps. Find out if there are any, and why your spouse is using them. And you have just two ways. In this situation, your spouse is really cheating on you, or your worries are just baseless, and you can calm down.

Parental Control Issues

hidden appsEverybody has secrets no matter how old a person is. And these days with all those mobile devices full of apps and other stuff, it is easy to keep those secrets covered from everybody. Hidden apps option is a perfect opportunity to be sovereign and above the control. And we mean our children under that statement.

If your children have their own phones, there is something covered there. That is why you need to learn how to find hidden apps on Android. There are lots of various articles about how to find hidden apps on iPhone, but this one deals with Android-powered phones only.

Statistics states that Android devices are highly popular among young people, and even little children. That is why all those devoted parents out there should pay max attention to this issue and this particular article also.

Kids often hide programs and contents from their parents. Their activity on the Internet is also a great secret. And the most definite way to find out more about your kid is to learn how to find hidden apps on Android. Kids are cunning in many ways and try to hide their secrets with giving wrong names to folders and making inappropriate programs hidden with the help of special software or Android. Here are few main reasons why your kid may want to make those apps invisible and undetectable.

How to Find Hidden Apps on an Android Phone:

  • Kids will hide special apps for blogging and for social networks. Modern teens often exchange inappropriate info via the Internet. Some kids also love to create various hidden blogs and full them with adult and violent content. Or they may write there some thoughts you would love to read. Some of them also have few different accounts on Instagram and Facebook.
  • There are various texting and live-streaming applications and modern kids just adore them. Usually, children and teens use those apps to exchange adult and violent content. That is why your son or daughter doesn’t want you to see those apps even existed on their phones.
  • Kids just adore games. Parents don’t want their children to play those games instead of studying. They just spend hours clicking and taping, and we as parents don’t even suspect anything.

How to Find Hidden Apps on Android

Find Hidden Apps

So, you ask “how do I find hidden apps on my Android”. Everything is simple. Modern mobile phones apps are very powerful, and lots of them have stealth modes. It means your spouse can use any stealth mode app without any signs. Those hidden features often are used by various messengers that can be easily downloaded from any app store.

It is almost impossible for any other person except the phone’s owner to detect those hidden apps on Android, or you know how to do it right. It would be not enough just to open the location of all installed apps on the target phone.

But if you live in one apartment with your beloved one, you have almost constant access to the mobile phone you want to scan. Just grab the target phone when your spouse is sleeping and do some particular actions we will tell you about in this article.

Use Target Phone Settings and Interface

You can try to identify any stealth mode apps just using target’s phone Settings section.

  • Press Settings button and find the section with all apps listed. It is very useful for Android phones and tablets. Here you can find all installed apps along with those are hidden.
  • Use two navigation buttons on the target phone. We are talking about Back and Task. Get to the Menu and press Task. There you will see an option called Show hidden apps. Tap on it and wait if there will be any new points on the list shown to you.
  • Also, you can check out your partner’s web browser history. Surf through any missing data or new media files. Note if the web history is cleared off regularly.
  • If the smartphone you are trying to check out is rotted, you should use View all installed apps option in Settings.
  • If the target phone is an iOS-powered device, you may try to use this way Settings > General > Restrictions.

But situations, if the target device does not support any of these methods and features, are also possible. If you can find hidden apps just with one and only third party app, use tracking apps.

Find Your Cheating Spouse’s Hidden Apps

hidden appsIt might be the only way for you to find hidden apps and find out if your spouse is really cheating on you. People call those programs spy apps, keyloggers, phone trackers, etc. but the main principal each of those apps works remains basically the same. It is all about keystroke logging.

These days spy apps also have lots of other functions that would be useful for those users who are trying to catch a cheating spouse. But we will talk about those options later. Here is how you can find hidden apps with the help of a phone tracking app.

  • Read some reviews about the most reliable and effective spy applications on the modern market. There are lots of them in various app stores. All you need is just to choose one for yourself for a start.
  • Grab your spouse’s phone and enter an apps store it is compatible with.
  • Find the installation file of the application in your Apple Store or Play Market.
  • Install the application directly on the target phone.
  • Enable a stealth mode.
  • Register your profile on the spy app’s official website.
  • Use its interface and personal cabinet to set spying settings and control logged info.

This is it. The program will work constantly. And even if there will be no Wi-Fi connection to send logged info to your account, the app will continue collecting data and will send it to you immediately after the Internet connection is renewed.

How It Works

The app collects different type information about the target phone’s activity. If you will receive details about all incoming and outgoing calls and messages, you will get a whole picture about the apps your spouse uses for chatting. If there is any app hidden from the official installed apps list of the target device, you will easily see in details.

Also, modern spy apps provide such great feature as GPS location tracking. It gives you an opportunity to spy on your spouse’s location right from your apartment and find out the newest info about his or her physical location. So yes, if your husband says he is still in the office, you can check it easily using that great GPS tracking feature.


  • Steph says:

    Thank you.

  • Coley says:

    Im in love with a narcassitic man. I am going crazy and everyday am on a roller coaster ride from the lowest pits of hell. Almost 5 years and i dont even know how the fuck i got here, who i am , and why ive endured what i have for this long. Hes made me into a shell of a person, i used to be , and paranoid is an understatement. Do you know what its like to not trust your judgement, and to be made a fool of? To feel as well as know you have NOTHING.
    Came here to see if there was anything i could possibly attempt to do myself, obtain the info i so long to know myself, to help myself. but I doubt my ten faced, extremely controlling , egotistical, vain, gym obsessed, tech savy, intelligent, super sneaky ,paranoid, strong as fuck,hulk of a bf will allow any pf that to happen. At this point I am just venting to the anonymous interwebs .
    His control, manipulation, deflection, lack of empathy, unfaithfulness, and games have triumphed over my overly empathetic ,loyal, sad broken soul.

    • Lynette says:

      I’m totally in the same situation.. gaslighting is abusive and I’ve never felt worse. Can someone help?

    • Seeker says:

      Youre not alone. The mind games are ridiculous. And idk what to believe. Can i trust myself or is he acfually always right? Idkkkkkk fml.

      • Jena smith says:

        I’m called crazy!! He says you,just want to argue and he’s a church going porn addict and denies any wrong doing. How much worse can it get.

    • ANon says:

      It is never too late !! I too was in an abusive relationship with a narcissistic man. I won’t lie it isn’t easy and you will be constantly conflicted and full of self doubt for a while BUT this will not always be the case after the raw emotions calm (no time limit, we all heal in our own time). You will feel empowered, you will look back and know just how far you have come, how strong you truly are and will know your self worth. He will try and worm his way back in time and time again, he will still play the mind games and try to control you once again but it will be different you almost hear the desperation, that need to regain control and they will try every manipulation tactic there is DO NOT ALLOW THEM BACK IN.
      Reconnect with happy, positive and genuine caring people, there are good people out there who want to help you and really do LOVE YOU !!
      When that times comes that you find a good man (there are some left, they’re not all like that) you will wake everyday grateful for the heartache because it was all worth it. Stay strong, stay positive, you got this.

    • Kelly says:

      I’m in the same situation with my husband and it’s a living nightmare.

  • Diana says:

    Sweet,can u help me then? Husband is CHEATING and I need prof for this girls husband,I told him but he said a how me more prof,so help am no good at this spying.how much is it also???? Hurrry,,,,

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