SpyToMobile Tracking App True Benefits and Drawbacks
There is a huge variety of the phone trackers with different possibilities and options. The average reviews include mostly benefits with suppression the negatives. Our complete review of SpyToMobile contains both, advantages, and shortcomings to give you the full and definite understanding of this cell phone software.
What Can SpyToMobile Do?
What information and opportunities you get if you download Spy2Mobile:
- Info about the call activity. Due to the primary role of every phone, the data about all received and made calls is a crucial aspect. Though, you can easily find in your account time, duration, the name of the collocutor, and the phone number for each call made from the target cell phone. We should also mention access to the phone address book. Only the integrated approach can really clarify the situation. So, you’ll have the full picture of calling activity of the person you monitor and would be able to make the right decision.
- Exploring text messages. Modern people prefer to use their portable devices to write different messages. It includes SMS, MMS, and email as the most common methods to receive and send texts. Like with the phone calls, attributes of every message also will be available. Furthermore, even if the person will delete the message, anyway, it would be tracked to your account. It is the most important feature because removing rather frequently means that something is not merely.
- Location map. The word smartphone usually means the versatility of the device. Everyone likes to have a lot of possibilities, especially if they are concentrated on the single phone. SpyToMobile exploits such a capability as the GPS controller to collect location data from the target phone. You can see the all-day-route on the map and note main tendencies or regularity. Moreover, you’ll be aware of online location which can help even to follow the person in the real time mode.
- WhatsApp. It is one of the most popular instant messengers among teens and adults. With SpyToMobile you will have full information about all chats on the cell phone you track.
Spy2mobile Purposes
The appointment of SpyToMobile is quite versatile and divides into three major groups. Nevertheless, each group is also only the possible direction.
Childcare. It is the most frequent usage of SpyToMobile. The list of functions allows monitoring your child sufficiently. The app is hidden, and the absence of controlling possibilities (to block suspicious numbers, circumscribing of the apps, etc.) allows SpyToMobile reduce the likelihood of detection.
Usually, SpyToMobile allows detecting mistrustful phone numbers, reveal the hobbies and interests of your descendant, and check his or her day route. This info helps to prevent harmful effect or dangers. Don’t forget that the methods should be very careful as the child’s trust is very fragile and may be destroyed easily.
Spouse spying. It is one more frequently used goal of SpyToMobile. Suspicions oft-times come down to checking the calls, text messages, and location. If there are some omissions, the checking process is quite simple. For example, your loved one stays at work a lot recently, in his words. The easiest way is to check his or her location after the workday ended.
Employees monitoring. It is a fine decision for business owners with a large staff. If you are can’t control their activity, let SpyToMobile phone tracker do the routine work. You will only need to enter your account and in a few minutes to sum up the productivity of every subordinate person. As a rule, the employees do not disdain if need to use office possibilities. The corporate phone is a good assistant not only for job implementation but a good way to save own funds. However, the biggest enemies of adequate efficiency are social media, chatting and the misuse of the corporate car. All of this may be easily controlled with SpyToMobile help.
SpyToMobile Positive Features
The benefits of SpyToMobile really allocate this phone monitoring software compared to others.
- A lot of phones in only one account. You don’t need to register numerous accounts to control few devices at the same time. SpyToMobile gives a big advantage for business owners and parents who have a lot of children.
- Flexible payment. Your spouse love SMSing? So why you need to buy the whole package of unused opportunities? Pay only for tracking SMS and be sure that you efficiently spent money and reliably control your loved one with SpyToMobile.
- Demo version. Do you hesitate about SpyToMobile necessity? Visit their website and try demo version for three days without any obligations. The first impression is crucial, so don’t pay if spying isn’t yours.

Few Drawbacks
Like every product, SpyToMobile has some negatives.
- Android use only. If you want to monitor the device on other OS, you should find another spy app. However, the narrow specialization often is the first sign of quality and reliability of the service.
- Limited functions. Without a doubt, SpyToMobile isn’t the leader of the functionality on the spy market. Nevertheless, provided possibilities cover about 90% of really used spy features. So, if a stripping down of the program lead to the enhancement of the quality and the reduction of the price, is it a drawback indeed? Everyone makes his own decision.
The variability of apps on the spy market can easily mislead a newcomer. So, while reading the regular review, you should keep in mind that you need full information, not only benefits. The possibilities usually show the level of the software. Its appointment demonstrates the understanding of why the spy app is required. Therefore, you should know all advantages and drawbacks before purchasing. SpyToMobile seems to be not the advanced spying tool while looking at the functionality, but it is always fair to its customers and can satisfy demands of plenty of them.