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Find Someone’s GPS Location & Track Someones Phone by Cell Phone Number

Have you received unexpected, annoying calls from the hidden/anonymous numbers, wondering how to find someone’s location by cell phone number? Modern technologies allow tracking the number. Get a mobile phone user’s entire personal information using effective methods. Undesired spam calls may cause financial fraud and other unpleasant situations. Rely on corresponding innovative software (e.g., TrapCall) to detect call’s accurate location. Define the user’s personality as well as intentions, no matter whether your private life or business is under the threat of nasty detractors. GPS tracking applications help learn how to find someone’s location using their cell phone number.

GPS tracker app makes it possible to locate your lost or stolen cell phone in less than a minute. You can also track your friends, kids or your special someone through this method. Try the GPS phone tracker for free online to understand how you can track and hack someone else’s device secretly. It helps track and hack someone else’s cell phone. Enter their mobile phone number to lookup. After which, you will get your locations through your 3 platforms, namely:

  • Android
  • iPhone
  • Windows mobile device

Read also: How to track someone’s location for free

How to Find Someone’s Location by Cell Phone Number: Popular Methods

gpsGPS trackers & spying software are two primary approaches to identifying both anonymous phone number and location. Tracking GPS location has two sub-categories:

  1. Current location
  2. Geo-fencing

Mobile phone tracking is the recent technology, found twenty years ago; its usage is expanding with each new day. The software aims high to protect mobile phone users from existing online as well as real-life dangers associated with active usage of mobile devices. Possessing access to mobile phone information (e.g., incoming/outgoing calls, SMS messages, images, browser history, etc.) grants safe usage of Android & iOS devices.

Using cell phone spying tools categorized as GPS locators does not require advanced IT skills, and apps are compatible with all released platforms: from Android to Windows Mobile. Developers created different GPS location apps for various platforms. The primary condition is to have selected surveillance/location detector application installed properly on the target cell phone/tablet/PC to get remote access to further user’s activity.

Once you set up chosen GPS locator on the target phone, the software starts retrieving entire phone’s information to deliver it to your preferred gadget. So, to view personal information, go to the registered online account. Login and check any of the common mobile phone options being connected to the Internet. The best thing is your victim learns nothing about it – he/she has no idea someone is spying distantly!

In some cases, users should jailbreak iOS devices to run the selected spying app correctly.

How to Find Someone’s Location Using Their Cell Phone Number: Evaluation Criteria


  1. Many different spying solutions exist; it is hard to choose one. Usability involves the process of installation (how easy it is to set up & launch location detecting app initially) as well as other usage (smooth or not smooth). Experts recommend selecting power-independent GPS location trackers – restricted battery resources may turn into the basic issue regarding usage + app indefectibility. Power-dependent GPS tracking software requires regular system updates!
  2. The more features surveillance/location detecting mobile phone application offers, the higher chances are users would choose to download/purchase it. Decide why you want a surveillance tool to be installed on both personal gadget and victim’s mobile phone. What are you trying to learn?

The most highly rated cell phone surveillance & monitoring software features contain:

  • geo-fencing
  • blocking applications and websites with adult content
  • keywords alerts
  • anti-theft options
  • call blacklisting

Functions individual user may need to depend on whom he/she would like to spy. E.g., dealing with business partners or employees, pay attention to several options. They are:

  • GPS tracker (to define accurate location)
  • Blocker for logging various messengers as well as social network access (Skype, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, BB, iMessage, Viber chats, Telegram, WhatsApp)
  • Phone Photo & Video Gallery + Access to Camera

So, with the help of these primary tracker’s functions, employers ensure complete private data safety (meaning it stays within the company’s walls). Features allow controlling employees’ remotely, day long, which results in increased productivity.

Also, some situations require GPS tracking location apps to watch every step made outside your home/office without user agreement on a gadget which is not yours.

What is a Real Time GPS Mobile Device Locator and How to Use It?


GPS tracking is not one of those fantasy movies you’ve seen. Today, you can locate or hack any cell phone wherever it may be. Every smartphone leaves a particular magnetic field to where it is. Also, these magnetic fields produced by these devices are continuously recorded for a time. This software will try to follow those digital tracks generated through the public satellite records. You only need to enter the mobile number into the search tool to get a timely result.

What do extra features of GPS location detecting phone software include? The most up-to-date tracking services will provide you access to various types of functions that include:

  • Firstly, setting of secure areas for alerts
  • Secondly, street level satellite mapping

Also, you can find someone’s location by cell phone number free & identify anonymous by using effective web services (e.g., Free Cell Phone Lookups). Type the number of your interest to learn more user details as well as track phone online. Register on the preferred service’s official website. Get full access to complete feature list + report on each target cell phone’s movement.

Wish to keep in touch with your children/spouses everywhere and at any time, discover lost or stolen the mobile device, or identify a calling stranger? Then, choose phone number tracking/reverse lookup function the way they do in the detective movies!

Revealing Facebook Accounts

gpsIn case you wish to dig deeper into the social account of a person, make sure the page is connected with the recognized phone number. Type the number of your interest in the search field – view related texts and accounts in the findings.

The results you obtain show if the mentioned user was on the target social network. Discover which person tried to reach you via phone/social network. Defend yourself from online fraud. Facebook & similar social networks + user’s phone number open doors to the entire personal information: from hobbies to location. Do not forget to apply TrapCall detection software before playing with Facebook opportunities to reveal who was trying to reach you. Remember: TrapCall GPS tracking location application is available for the US and Canadian users.

How to Locate Lost Phone with Online Mobile Tracking Locator by Satellite?


With the advancement in technology today, locating the GPS location coordinates of mobile devices has never been easier and simpler. The online mobile phone tracking service provides you with an amazing way to track or hack a phone and the messages in it.

Most of the popular smart devices can be easily located when stolen. You are able to spy or hack any activity going on the device from the SMS to the call logs. Hence, you can hack valuable information due to the most advanced applications that are available for downloads.

There are devices that will require you to complete some steps to use the tracker. You can’t blame these developers as there are online phishers trying to hack information from these sites.  However, the completion procedure is mostly basic, easy to understand, and quick to finish. Normally, you will only need about less than a minute to do that.

Now, once you finish the completion, you can start tracking the target number to hack; you can track up to 150 numbers as a free member.

Obtain Premium Application Support

So, how to find someone’s location using their cell phone number if unexpected problems occur? If you have any difficulties with the chosen apps, turn to the technical support as every application like GPS location tracker should have one to consult customers all over the world. These Customer Support Centers work 24/7. Study preferred detection software documentation. Also, you can ask questions using live chats online.

This article proves it is possible to understand how to find someone’s location using their cell phone number. No matter what app you choose, special surveillance/location trackers prevent mobile phone users from falling into various traps. Do you know other ways one can detect anonymous phone numbers? We would be glad to see your comments & reaction to this article below!


  • rakesh c shah says:

    my galaxy S7 mobile lost how can i find it please suggest thx.

    • rakesh c shah says:

      how can i find my android mobile if i lost it?

      • rakesh c shah says:

        is their any GPS facility to find location of mobile in india

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