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20 Best Android Parental Control Apps

Updated March 11, 2020 to reflect the latest changes in the software and services mentioned.


Sometimes in every parent life, there is no better option left than spying on his kid. There is no need to be nervous all the time because now you can solve all your problems with a parental control app Android. This article covers twenty best android parental control apps aimed to make sure your youngest family members remain safe in any life situation.

What is the Best Android Parental Control App? Top 20 List


Let’s find out how you can get the best parental control app for Android. Every mentioned software in this article can be run on an Android phone and other devices. Your kid won’t ever learn you’re using applications like that!

We stick to the following criteria:

  • best price or free subscription
  • installation process
  • ability to review entire internet activity
  • GPS location functionality
  • the entire number of features
  • feedback

Android Device Manager


Children often lose their stuff. Young people require being under harsh parents monitoring. Apply the best phone tracker and phone detector tool to receive a full view over your child’s preferred device.

You can read any message remotely and identify your child’s location thanks to the accurate GPS tracking feature. The installation process is extremely easy and fast. Users may order free trial period or buy full version at Google Play Store. Log in your personal user account from your favorite device to start managing the target object.

FlexiSPY & Its Extreme Version


This special parental and mega spy app deserves to be among the best. It was discovered that approximately 30% of young adolescents have spoken to online strangers about intimate issues.

A parent may defend its child only through intensive internet access control (e.g., reading entire browser history) and:

  • Call intercept & recording: overhear full Android phone calls or part of the conversations
  • Cracking and stealing passwords: phone monitor involves getting necessary passwords and blocking harmful websites or apps.
  • Phone camera & multimedia management.
  • GPS location tracker.

If your child has lost its Android device, you can read the incoming messages still.


Spy Era


One of the best and most expensive monitoring solutions on Android operating system, Spy Era allows both monitoring your own lost phone or tablet and watch after each step taken by your child’s device. It is developed to identify what your children are doing on the internet browser and what they search in Google.
As far as the given Android parental monitor app is created to track mobile phone location as precisely as possible, you can also help your child find his lost device with a free price.

Among all regular features, this phone monitoring app Android includes rare benefits. Here are them:

  • Alert Wizard
  • Live call overhearing & recording
  • VoIP monitor
  • Pictures, videos, and audios access
  • Stealth mode on


Kids Place

kids place large

Kids Place is another great app to start with if you have no experience in the case. It works very similar to the previous one and is a direct product of parents. It was developed to help parents to prevent children from any inappropriate content. Besides, it even can close access to some important areas on your phones including your documents, photos or even certain apps.

This application would be helpful for those parents with little kids without their own gadgets at the moment. Those kids often take their parents’ phones and tablets to play games. And that is the moment they delete an important data or see something they should not see. Using this app, you can display just those apps you allow your children to use and to see. Also, Kids Place helps to prevent:

  • Apps downloading
  • Making calls
  • Sending messages
  • Purchase goods

Also, you can rely on the app as on a serious blocker that blocks certain incoming phone calls, websites, and content. And you even can filter inappropriate media content using a special built-in plugin.

And if you have one family tablet to use at home, you can set different user profiles with this app. One device will work differently with a different user showing those applications that the profile settings allow.

Highster Mobile Parental Control Android App


Best of the best monitoring solutions a caring parent or spouse may find to track the location of the target mobile phone as accurately as possible! It can be used as exclusive parental monitoring software in all English-speaking regions.

Highster Mobile makes it easy to explore all logged events on the web-based monitor panel. It can be found on Google. Install this parental software and identify your goals. You do not necessarily need a phone: this parental control app Android is available on PC as well. Parent will benefit from:

  • Accessibility to the child phone camera
  • Locking down the mobile phone remotely
  • Deleting bad apps
  • Cleaning browser history
  • Viewing a battery status
  • Recording phone calls
  • Applying GPS functions


Web Watcher

webwatcherIt’s not the most famous parental control app for Android, but it’s still on the list of the best parental apps. It works well with Windows, Mac OS, and iPhone as well. Web Watcher is basically focused on exploring full internet browser history, limiting access to Google and application stores, forbidding definite sites, etc.

MM Guardian

Without paying much attention to the basic parental control functions, let’s move to the extreme set. This software makes it possible to place and lock your kid’s phone or tablet with the help of a single text message. You can set time limits and block certain apps on a remote basis too. MMGuardian offers a free 14-day trial, the full price is $50.


XNSpy large

Here we have an exceptional phone tracking app available in the jailbreak mode. Apply for Xnspy parental program with the Android 2.3.x, 3.x, 4.x, 5.x, and 6.x. each parent is supported with free 24-hour live customer support.

Once you set up Xnspy parental control software, you may:

  • Access phone call logs, contacts, and caller alerts
  • Read SMS or other types of messages
  • Track Tinder, Skype, Facebook, Line Chat, Viber, Kik, and Whatsapp messaging
  • View full GPS history and current device location


Android-applock-largeIf the parent does not need any serious functions but the ability to block suspicious Android apps, this parental control solution might be the best. Apply password protection to the websites and apps you consider unpleasant. Also, users may lock a device’s “calling” function to save mobile phone bill.


Kids Launcher Parental Control Android App


android parental control app

Kids Launcher is an ultimate parental control app for Android as you can see from its name. It is a guard that prevents your child from entering inappropriate websites. And, of course, like any great parental control, app Kids Launcher offers a GPS tracking option. This app works totally with a remote control function.

Among its features, there are lots of common ones with other parental control apps. Here are the most useful of them:

  • Time limitations
  • Blocking certain apps
  • Blocking inappropriate content and sources
  • Block phone calls and messages
  • Use target phone settings remotely

The time limitation is the most interesting feature among others in this app. You can set a certain time limit within a certain app or the entire target phone. So, when you don’t want your kid to use his phone in bed or at school, just set the limiter. The scheduling is very flexible and reaches its top in the premium version of the app.

Please note that you can’t turn this app off without restarting the entire device.


android parental control appThis is one of the most powerful spy applications on the market. And it is one of the most difficult ones to install. But if you want to learn what a real spy app power is, you should get PhoneSheriff with no doubt. Besides monitoring your kids, you can use it at any age group using such features:

  • Time limitation with flexible options
  • Logging browsing and texting history
  • Location tracker with geofencing and panic button.

Screen Time

android parental control appThis application works in one straight direction – time. It is clear from its name. If you descendants spend too much time playing games and chatting with friends instead of doing homework, here is the solution.

Screen Time will block an app or the entire device at a certain moment that you will schedule. And that is it. It is five o’clock, and your kid should be doing his homework already? Don’t worry, his iPhone is blocked, and he has nothing better to do than reading books and learning math.

Kids Zone

android parental control appDevelopers are describing their products as a “parental lock.” And this statement reflects the app totally. As some other apps on our list Kids Zone block a certain application from your children on your phone or theirs. You can block calls, messages, and websites too. If you don’t want your child to purchase goods from your tablet or install any inappropriate apps on it, just get yourself Kids Zone and the problem is solved forever.


android parental control appFunamo is a very interesting for those parents who want not just monitor their kids’ gadgets, but also filter media and sources they use. You will be able to monitor and block such points:

  • Contacts
  • Calls
  • Messages
  • Chats
  • Applications
  • Websites

To see the logged info you just need to enter your profile on the official website of the app. You can do it from any browser and any device you want. Time-limiting option is also available.

Norton Family Parental Control Android App


android parental control appNorton Family speaks for itself. This app will fit not just your needs as a parent but also will help you to control and protect any family member. This app helps a user to filter web content and protects mobile devices on various levels. The most useful feature is its GPS location tracker. When someone is late, you can easily know where he or she is at the moment.

Net Nanny

android parental control appNet Nanny is another spy app with speaking name. It is a helpful monitoring application to those people who try to protect their kids from online dangers. Some key features that are common for most spy apps are missing. But the main role of the inappropriate content blocker is performed at the highest level.


android parental control appQustodio is another interesting application that evolved from a simple calls and content blocker to a serious monitoring and filtering tool. This app will protect your kid from various dangers he or she may face on the Internet. Adult content, violence, and online bullying will be stopped right at the start.


android parental control appMobicip works exactly like the most of those spy apps on our list. You need to install the application on a target phone and control its performance and view logs through your personal account. You can do it from any browser on any device. There is also a free version available. It is limited but will be a great start for your spying experience.


android parental control appAs you already noticed, this app was developed to control older children. In the process of testing it and getting testimonials from users, developers saw that their project is helpful not just for parents with teenagers. If you have a mini-you or a youngster who needs to be controlled all over the place 24/7, you have the ultimate spy weapon loaded.

SecureTeen Parental Control app consists of two parts. You need to use Android application and install it on the target device. And control the device through your personal account on the official website of the app.

Get Your Parental Control App Android

To choose the best parental control app for Android is not an easy task. And it is not due to the absence of such apps. There is that wide selection the modern spy app market offers us today. You need to read full reviews on various sources and check official websites. If you have any suggestions of your favorite parental control apps, please leave your comments below.


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